Why Is There So Much Hair In My Shower Drain?

Losing more hair than usual is definitely a traumatic experience, especially when it sneaks up on you. Whether it’s noticing patchy hairline sections on your slicked-back bun, or pulling clumps of loose strands from your brush and shower drain more often, finding a solution to the problem fast is definitely on the priority list.

So why are you losing hair, and what can you do about it? There are three common hair issues that can lead to hair loss. 

Hair Shedding

Shedding is the natural process of the hair growth cycle, where single hairs fall from the follicle. However, periods of stress, illness, seasonal changes and your diet can all contribute to more or less shedding.

Normal shedding is around 50-100 hairs a day, so basically, it’s normal to find hairs in your shower and on your brush to a degree. If you’re losing more than usual, check your diet is on the healthy side, try and reduce stress with meditation practices and breathing techniques, and make sure the products you’re using are gentle and free of harsh chemicals. 

Hair Thinning

Thinning is more responsible for those patchy bits – this is a decrease in density, and it comes with ageing or can be caused by certain illnesses or medications. 

This is where volumising products are your friend. These will help to boost the appearance of each strand, so even if you’re working with finer hair and less of it, you can still enjoy a fuller look. It’s also worth visiting your GP if you notice hair thinning, as it can be genetic or related to a medical condition.

Hair Fallout

Fallout is when you lose a lot of hair quite suddenly, in clumps or patches. This can be caused by health conditions like Alopecia Areata, but it can also be due to an imbalanced or infected scalp, and even basic stuff like repeatedly wearing tight hairstyles.

This is definitely one where a GP visit is a good idea. If there is a medical condition that’s responsible, you may need treatment. It’s also worth giving your hair a break from tight styles, and being gentle when washing, brushing and drying your strands.

The Key? Consistency.

Whatever hair loss issue you’re dealing with, being consistent with your practices and routine is key. There isn’t a quick fix! Just good habits and small changes that create lasting results. Download our Healthy Hair Tracker to keep on top of yours.

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